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Character - Rico
Character - Chaz
Character - CJ
Character - Pernell


Character Description

Gino is a charismatic and manipulative fast-talker with a macho personality. His demeanor was shaped by his uncle, G Stone, a hustler from Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, whom he admired. Gino confided in his uncle about wanting to transition to a boy from a young age, and his uncle accepted him without judgment. He even referred to Gino as his nephew and imparted all his knowledge about manhood to him. Tragically, G Stone was set up by a bitter ex-lover and shot in the face by her new partner.

Raised in a single-parent household by his father, Gino’s mother, who had worked as a prostitute, was fatally shot by a client. These losses left Gino with deep-seated abandonment issues, compounded by the absence of his working father. Gino attempts to broach the topic of his transition with his father, who often adopts a “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude towards matters of sexuality. Seeking compassion, Gino finds it hard to maintain long-term relationships and grapples with possessiveness when he feels emotionally close to anyone, even family and friends.


To escape, Gino immerses himself in pottery, a passion he pursues at night. This interest is meaningful, as it’s the last memento he has from his late mother. He holds her poem dear to his heart, committing it to memory. However, Gino keeps his pottery hobby a secret, as he’s primarily involved in hustling with his local gang, “The Bounty Clique,” known for his ruthless tactics in extortion.

Gino’s journey to become more authentically himself led him to adopt the name Gino after watching “The Godfather.” His connection to the streets began early, and he later encountered a bodybuilder who introduced him to the street market for testosterone, resorting to the black market for years. Despite rarely seeking medical attention, a health scare forces Gino to confront his fear of disclosure, prompting him to finally seek necessary medical care.

Character - Rico


Character Description

Rico is a nerd who loves science and hopes to invent the first bottom surgery that is not as gruesome and hurtful. He is also a breast cancer advocate, as his mother is battling cancer. Rico looks up to the many transmasculine men who are activists and aspires to be like them one day. He and his mother are so closely attached that it annoys people interested in dating Rico. Rico is the ultimate mama’s boy, and his passion lies in quirky, nerdy, scientific activities.


Character Description

Chaz is a charismatic charmer residing in a middle-class neighborhood in Queens, NY. He draws both positive and negative attention from everyone around him. Regrettably, Chaz occasionally engages in needless conflicts with others, often over someone else’s woman whom he can’t resist pursuing. Chaz exhibits a self-centered nature, and notably, he finds himself deeply entangled in the pursuit of sex. He seeks out sex parties to fulfill his craving and works endless hours at a local store to support his habit.

Chaz comes from a two-parent household, but once he leaves the house, he transforms into a completely different identity.  He changes his clothes when he leaves to symbolize a sense of freedom, as he conceals his life due to his family’s Muslim background. He lost his virginity at the age of 14 with an older woman which unleashed the sexual beast within him and as a result, caused him to become very promiscuous. Chaz is presently setting aside every penny he earns to relocate from his parents’ home, and he has not disclosed to them that he has undergone a physical transition.

Character - Chaz
Character - CJ


Character Description

CJ is a street-smart survivor who adapts to his challenging surroundings. Born and raised in a harsh environment, he’s become a rival to Gino. CJ’s way of making ends meet involves engaging in boosting and other schemes to earn a quick buck. However, beneath his tough exterior, CJ grapples with deep-seated insecurities and masks them with a veneer of toxic masculinity. Disturbingly, he directs his energy towards deliberately breaking down trans men within his community.

He’s an active member of the “Diamondback 53rd St” gang, representing his affiliation from the local projects. The absence of his parents has left him in constant emotional turmoil, and unfortunately, his pain radiates to those who care about him. Amidst all this, CJ contends with mental health challenges, and this struggle drives him to harbor a vindictive desire for revenge against anyone he perceives as more attractive or confident than him.


Character Description

Pernell is an outspoken wordsmith based in Atlanta, GA who has been immersed in writing for as long as his memory serves. He doubles as a seasoned storyteller of love, utilizing his relationship with Nakia as a platform to convey openly that love is a source of pride rather than shame. Although Nakia was his girlfriend before his transition, their connection only grew stronger during and after the transition process. Sharing a living space, they also engage in activism within the black queer community, particularly as dedicated volunteers at the local clinic. Their unbreakable bond garners attention and occasionally jealousy within the trans community, where such steadfast connections are less common.

Desiring to expand their family, both Perry and Nakia are eager to have a baby. Yet, the path to family planning introduces a gamut of emotions. Despite the challenges, their determination to embrace their true desires and nurture a family remains unshaken, demonstrating how love triumphs over adversity. Perry exudes charisma and a protective nature, unafraid to call things out as they are. While Perry’s family demonstrates remarkable acceptance, Nakia’s family holds a contrary stance. Rising above biased sentiments from her side of the family, Perry and Nakia contemplate the possibility of moving from Atlanta, Georgia to a location where they can live without the weight of societal judgments and prejudice. However, an unforeseen life-altering event leaves them in a state of uncertainty, halting their plans for relocation.

Character - Pernell

Why This Show Should be Picked Up

This compelling series, poised for a national platform, presents a unique opportunity to challenge and dispel transgender stereotypes, offering an intimate window into this life-altering journey. Set against the backdrop of relatable narratives that showcase the triumph over internal struggles, unwavering convictions, and the ceaseless pursuit of survival in contemporary America, the show stands as a beacon of authenticity. Its lens focuses on the personal odyssey of a black man who emerged from an assigned female identity.

Within this narrative, our characters seize the reins of their destiny, penning an untold saga. Yet, the path they tread delves deeper than mere appearances. Consider the intricate tapestry of challenges encompassing name changes, familial perspectives, romantic entanglements, cultural assimilation, political engagement, and the universal tapestry of everyday experiences. Penned by a writer intimately familiar with these realities, the series thrives on genuine passion, propelling us into bold and daring territories.

Distinguished as a scripted series exclusively dedicated to the transformative stories of trans men, it stands as a testament to diversity. Casting a wide net, the ensemble comprises individuals from myriad backgrounds and walks of life. 

Established in 2015, weathering numerous iterations and evolutions, our journey mirrors the struggles of independent artists—juggling life’s demands while fervently pursuing dreams. Unswerving focus and steadfast faith have brought us to this pivotal juncture. Today, we stand poised to secure television and streaming slots, primed to ignite profound conversations, deliver entertainment, and stir transformative change across the spectrum of human experiences.

Recognizing our shared humanity, this series is primed to resonate universally, navigating the road toward happiness. Brimming with readiness, it eagerly anticipates traversing global screens, gracing esteemed film festivals, and commanding pivotal discussions through significant deals. It’s time to translate intention into reality!

At Seven King Studios, we thrive on blazing unconventional trails—championing groundbreaking content, embracing revolution, courage, and transparency. We are acutely aware that art is a mirror reflecting society; thus, this creation mirrors the voices and experiences of millions. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for any form of support you can extend. Together, let’s turn possibility into actuality.

The Jungle Has No Face

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